Samuel Jacob's Weblog

Just another technical blog

DIY – Wirless Router and NAS: Hardware bits

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I have replaced my Buffalo WRT-G54 wireless router with my own custom built router. This blog explains the details involved that process. I call this device as RCN (Router cum NAS).


I began my hardware hunt 45 days back – it was difficult because of my requirements and availability in Indian Market.

Here is the initial requirement list I had(strike-through indicates I gave up that requirement because the items are too costly or not available in India):

  • Total board TDP should be less than 40 watts
  • Passively cooled
  • Mini-ITX form factor
  • Onboard RAID
  • DDR3 support
  • Dual core
  • Hardware should be available in India

Here is the final products I purchased:

Here is some pictures of my RCN

RCN 012

RCN 006

RCN 013

RCN 010

Interesting fact about WD10EARS is it use 4KB sectors instead of the conventional 512byte sectors. Since this is a breakthrough software support is not much there. Looks like these drives perform poor if not partitioned properly – Since my requirement demands creating single partition, I purchased this drive and it performs well.

Written by samueldotj

February 14th, 2011 at 8:20 am

Posted in Router NAS Linux